Live Monday, AUG 5th - WEDNESDAY, AUG 7th
Live Monday, AUG 5th - WEDNESDAY, AUG 7th
Do you DREADthe morning grind?
You know what it's like to wake up feeling overwhelmed, weary, Already Behind...
And then have to get everyone up... get 'em motivated... nag nag nag... all while keeping a positive attitude ...
So you don't send your kids out the door with a memory of a ticked off mother!
Learn how to set your kids up for a successful independent morning routine in 3 days flat.
Plan The Routine
I'll teach you to drill down the simple necessary tasks for your mornings to run well. We'll take into account wake times (how much time is needed?), breakfast (DIY or mom's job?), and all the steps from waking to getting out the door.
Learn my step-by-step guide to what goes in a morning routine for your kids (and what doesn't -> so you void fights!)
Create a vision for what your morning routine needs to look like to work for your family.
Have the plan you need to get ready for Day 2 where you'll....
Set Up Your Home Environment For Success
Successful people take their environment into account to maintain healthy habits. Your kids will too! On Day 2 you'll learn how to remove distractions, make sure your kids don't freeze from decision paralysis (aka too many choices in the mornings!), and what products or objects you can use to replace yourself (think: alarm clock!).
Understand how to set your kids up for success in the mornings.
Organize your child's bedroom and kitchen, removing barriers to independence.
Do a House Walk to see what areas need attention to increase odds of cooperation and success.
Assign Responsibility & Create Accountability
It's one thing to plan a routine, it's another to set it in motion and have your kids keep it. You're going to learn how to transfer ownership of certain tasks, decide what is your responsibility vs. theirs, and help get their routine on autopilot.
Be ready to explain your expectatations to your kids (in a way that doesn't get their back up!)
Know how to help them keep their routine without feeling like a nag.
Understand the process and how long it'lll take before you can expect your kids to carry out their routine.
Handling "wrong side of the bed wakes ups" so you don't end up yelling, threatening, or dragging someone into the car.
Helping your kids feel responsible for their own morning routines so you can watch them mature and grow (squashing that sneaking suspicion you're raising lazy bums!).
What to do The Night Before to be ready for The Morning Of.
What amount of responsibility and independence can kids actually be responsible for - based on their age.
How YOU can organize yourself so you're able to hold positive calm space in the mornings.
Moms with preschoolers
Moms with elementary aged kids
Moms with middle schoolers
Moms of high schoolers
moms, Moms, MOMS !!!
Rachel has spent over a decade helping millions of mothers worldwide create routines and habits that help family life work.
Get all the pieces into place and watch your kids master their mornings with responsibility, independence, and - dare I say it - pride!
I'll see you bright and early *Real Soon!*
xx Rachel
Rachel Norman | All Rights Reserved
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