If you’ve muttered “I need to get my life/ kids/ routines/house together,”

you’re not alone, and keep reading…  

There is a simple "home remedy" for a stressful family life that'll help you actually enjoy your kids!

Yes! Even if you're not super disciplined, very productive, or “Type A.”

Here's what most moms do:

  • Realize their family life is out of control and something’s gotta give.

  • Research routines for kids. 

  • Totally ignore their own personality, temperament, energy levels, and life season. 

  • Write down a jam-packed, pie-in-the-sky, ideal daily routine for their kids.

...and then they:

  • Nag their spouse to get on board (or fight about it, or just bypass them altogether)

  • Barely keep it for a few days. Feel like the thick-frumpy-itchy-wool sweater of a routine is a tyrant

  • Ditch routine entirely, thinking it’s for more organized, efficient, and disciplined moms. 

Sound familiar? Maybe you think...

Things would get done BEFORE crisis levels were reached.

Days would have enough predictability to help your nervous system settle.

You wouldn’t be looking like a homeless person even though there are perfectly nice clothes in the closet.

Some of you might think...“If I'd just started earlier,

everything wouldn’t be an uphill battle now that they are a bit older.”

So many of us go in circles trying to diagnose where we went wrong, what is wrong with our kids, and how to put a stop to a stressful family life. 

Most crash course attempts at family routines are built on a faulty foundation → you aren’t taking into consideration…YOU.

So why not build a plan that YOU like, you can follow, and that works with your personality?

Are you ready to stop beating yourself up about your "failings" and skip to a solution that works WITH your personality, not against it?

You'd be able to wake up without dread and doom and put your head on your pillow at night without the feedback loop from Hades playing over and over about all your failings. 

Cause you don't want your kids' childhood to pass in a blur just because you're stressed.

Get ready to say goodbye 👋 to guilt and mood swings - and say hello to the confident mom you were made to be. 

I’ve created a 3-day reboot to help you strengthen your FAMILY ROUTINES.

With the knowledge I will share, and some

moments on your part, you can:

...that kids who grew up with predictable routines are less likely to have time management or attention problems as adults.

Routines based on your temperament and personality will be easier to manage and oversee.

And the most important part of making a routine successful? 

Sticking to it long enough for you to LOVE IT and reap the benefits so you KEEP DOING IT. 

“Interestingly, the researchers found that it doesn’t matter if you mess up every now and then. Building better habits is not an all-or-nothing process.”

- James Clear


my tried-and-true...

(used by thousands of moms before you!)

go from CHAOTIC, STRESSFUL DAYS to a calm family life...

...in as little as 3 days.

This is the method I used to create simple peaceful routines when I had 5 kids under 5 years of age (yes, you read that right!).

It’s what I’ve taught tens of thousands of women over the past few years.


Family and household routine strategies

that will make sure everyone’s on the same page - without the micro-management. Household things that must get done, get done.

Sample daily routines

(by your child’s age) that’ll help you cement your daily touchpoints.

Child routines

 include sleeping, eating, snacking, independent play, chores, and more! No more flying by the seat of your pants and running around chasing the kids trying to convince them to do what’s healthy for them. 

Self-care routines

that show you how to TAKE CARE of yourself, not treat yourself, so your actual family life is sustainable, not making you (accidentally) mentally ill.


Family and household routine strategies

that will make sure everyone’s on the same page - without the micro-management. Household things that must get done, get done.

Sample daily routines

(by your child’s age) that’ll help you cement your daily touchpoints.

Child routines

 include sleeping, eating, snacking, independent play, chores, and more! No more flying by the seat of your pants and running around chasing the kids trying to convince them to do what’s healthy for them. 

Self-care routines

that show you how to TAKE CARE of yourself, not treat yourself, so your actual family life is sustainable, not making you (accidentally) mentally ill.

...to give yourself permission to do what it takes to ENJOY being a mom.

And with Family Routines Reboot, you can begin in just three easy steps:

...to give yourself permission to do what it takes to ENJOY being a mom.

And with Family Routines Reboot, you can begin in just three easy steps:

  • Discover how to get your kids on board with these routines and continue to carry them out day by day. 

  • Get our proven routines for all the Stressful Parts Of The Day including waking up, chores, after dinner, bedtime, etc. 

  • Pinpoint the main parts of your day that are nuts and create simple routines around those for your kids. (Psst, this is the quickest way to feel life is more peaceful!)

  • Learn how to give your kids visual routine cues so they can follow their own routine without the nagging and drama. 

  • Teach your child independence by figuring out which tasks kids can be responsible for, and letting them have at it!

  • Pinpoint the main parts of your day that are nuts and create simple routines around those for your kids. (Psst, this is the quickest way to feel life is more peaceful!)

  • Learn how to schedule in rests and relaxation, for you and the kids, and still get your responsibilities done. 

  • Discern the difference between treating yourself and taking care of yourself and why it matters. 

  • Discover your own limits and boundaries and how they should affect the family rules and routines. 

  • Discover how to get your kids on board with these routines and continue to carry them out day by day. 

  • Get our proven routines for all the Stressful Parts Of The Day including waking up, chores, after dinner, bedtime, etc. 

  • Pinpoint the main parts of your day that are nuts and create simple routines around those for your kids. (Psst, this is the quickest way to feel life is more peaceful!)

  • Learn how to give your kids visual routine cues so they can follow their own routine without the nagging and drama. 

  • Teach your child independence by figuring out which tasks kids can be responsible for, and letting them have at it!

  • Pinpoint the main parts of your day that are nuts and create simple routines around those for your kids. (Psst, this is the quickest way to feel life is more peaceful!)

  • Learn how to schedule in rests and relaxation, for you and the kids, and still get your responsibilities done. 

  • Discern the difference between treating yourself and taking care of yourself and why it matters. 

  • Discover your own limits and boundaries and how they should affect the family rules and routines. 


I want you to be 100% SATISFIED.

If you aren't satisfied with your purchase, send us an email and we'll get you fixed right up. We stand behind our products and will be happy to help!

When you grab Family Routines Reboot, you'll also get $80 worth of FREE bonuses to help you make developing routines a BREEZE!

150+ visual routine and chore cards

$19 value

Want to get the kids doing more around the house? Good news... chores are good for kids self-esteem AND research shows kids who do chores grow up more resilient and happy. 

Meal Planning & Food Staples Pack

$12 value

Have your eating habits fallen off a cliff with the holidays? Get healthy easy family meals back on the docket - without the fuss and stress. 

100+ organizing and homemaking binder sheets

$24 value

20+ checklists (plus editable ones!) to SAVE YOUR BRAINPOWER. From home systems to self-care routines to morning and evening routines, there's something for every area of life. 

Slow Your Scroll 30-Day Guided Journal

$13 value

Do you spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on your phone? 👋👋 This guided journal will help you break away from your screen to focus on what matters in the upcoming months and ditch distractions. 

Rhythms, Routines & Schedules eBook & 25+ sample daily routines for little ones

$19 value

Have little ones underfoot (baby to 5 years old) that you care for while trying to figure out everything else? This book with 25+ sample routines, for babies aged 6 weeks to 5 years will help you put predictability and order in otherwise chaotic days. 


$27 today's price

Free with your Family Routines Reboot purchase!

A simple home remedy for a stressful family life.

Mama, here's EVERYTHING you get:

  • 3 masterclasses with EXACT methods to create routines ($40 value)

  • A printable Family Routines Planner with block schedules, self-care planners, sample routines, self-care checklists, and more! ($17 value)

  • BONUS 1: 150+ visual routine and chore cards ($19 value)

  • BONUS 2: Meal Planning & Food Staples Pack ($12 value)

  • BONUS 3: 100+ organizing and homemaking binder sheets ($24 value)

  • BONUS 4: Slow Your Scroll 30-Day Guided Journal ($13 value)

  • BONUS 5: Rhythms, Routines & Schedules eBook & 25+ sample daily routines for little ones ($12 value)

TOTAL VALUE = ($114)

Today's Price = $27

have used Family Routines Reboot.

Check out what some of them have had to say:

>>> You COULD...

...skip this Family Routine Reboot and tell yourself you’ll do better tomorrow. 

If that already didn't work up until this point it probably won’t. It's not YOU that's the problem, it's the lack of PERSONALIZATION that is causing your daily routine to fall flat. 

>>> You COULD...

...work on changing yourself - becoming more productive or efficient or disciplined.


Sure, we may all want to be different here or there, but you are who you are and you're the Perfect mother for your kids.

You need a routine that fits YOU! You don't need to change your temperament or Enneagram number to be a good mom.

>>> Or you COULD...

...just carry on and tell yourself it’ll pass in time.

Well, things don't really pass... or if they do it's like a kidney stone. Painful all the way out. You don't need to keep charging things on your Mental Health Credit Card because - as we know - interest will rack up later.

Don't wait until some random future day to start enjoying family life. 


...and I help moms with all personalities, temperaments, and seasons of life. 

I'm a routine mentor, certified baby and toddler sleep consultant, Language of Listening parent coach, and MOTHER OF 5 KIDS IN 5 YEARS! If there's one thing that's true it's this...without daily routines and systems in place, life is chaotic, stressful, and anxiety-inducing. 

When no one is quite sure what's happening, the kids end up running around making wild animal noises while we try and find somewhere to hide.

The only way to get our Mom Responsibilities done in PEACE is this: Family routines. Simple family rhythms give you predictability, organization, and calm.

A simple home remedy for a stressful family life.

Mama, here's EVERYTHING you get:

  • 3 masterclasses with EXACT methods to create routines ($40 value)

  • A printable Family Routines Planner with block schedules, self-care planners, sample routines, self-care checklists, and more! ($17 value)

  • BONUS 1: 150+ visual routine and chore cards ($19 value)

  • BONUS 2: Meal Planning & Food Staples Pack ($12 value)

  • BONUS 3: 100+ organizing and homemaking binder sheets ($24 value)

  • BONUS 4: Slow Your Scroll 30-Day Guided Journal ($13 value)

  • BONUS 5: Rhythms, Routines & Schedules eBook & 25+ sample daily routines for little ones ($12 value)

TOTAL VALUE = ($114)

Today's Price = $27

Can I do this at my own pace? 

Yes, Family Routines Reboot is self-paced. You'll get all the digital materials immediately and can reference our videos to help you plan whenever you want.

I'm so busy, how will I have time for this?

Being too busy to be organized will just make you even more disorganized. Taking a few hours (in one sitting!) will save you time and headache for months and years to come.

What if my kids are all different ages?

Well, that's an even BIGGER reason you need to get your family routines in place. You will use what you're learning in this 3-day reboot and it'll benefit every single person in the whole family. 

What if it doesn't work for me?

First off, it likely will. Second, we do have a refund policy you can find at the bottom of the page and you have 14 days after purchase if you feel this class didn't deliver! (Spoiler alert: it will!) 

Can I do this at my own pace? 

Yes, Family Routines Reboot is self-paced. You'll get all the digital materials immediately and can reference our videos to help you plan whenever you want.

I'm so busy, how will I have time for this?

Being too busy to be organized will just make you even more disorganized. Taking a few hours (in one sitting!) will save you time and headache for months and years to come.

What if my kids are all different ages?

Well, that's an even BIGGER reason you need to get your family routines in place. You will use what you're learning in this 3-day reboot and it'll benefit every single person in the whole family. 

What if it doesn't work for me?

First off, it likely will. Second, we do have a refund policy you can find at the bottom of the page and you have 14 days after purchase if you feel this class didn't deliver! (Spoiler alert: it will!) 

You can run your routines, or your family can run you ragged.

YOU decide.

A simple home remedy for a stressful family life.

Mama, here's EVERYTHING you get:

  • 3 masterclasses with EXACT methods to create routines ($40 value)

  • A printable Family Routines Planner with block schedules, self-care planners, sample routines, self-care checklists, and more! ($17 value)

  • BONUS 1: 150+ visual routine and chore cards ($19 value)

  • BONUS 2: Meal Planning & Food Staples Pack ($12 value)

  • BONUS 3: 100+ organizing and homemaking binder sheets ($24 value)

  • BONUS 4: Slow Your Scroll 30-Day Guided Journal ($13 value)

  • BONUS 5: Rhythms, Routines & Schedules eBook & 25+ sample daily routines for little ones ($12 value)

TOTAL VALUE = ($114)

Today's Price = $27

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Goodnight Bedtime Battles

Only $19!

Create streamlined bedtime routines that balance firm boundaries with connection. Our Goodnight Bedtime Battles Workshop will show you how to:

➡️ Create a focused bedtime routine that skips the drama and brings cooperation.
➡️ ​Get kids to stay in their rooms and help them fall asleep on their own.
➡️ Understand your child's unique sleep needs so you can easily create routines that suit your child.
➡️ Manage routines with multiple kids, room-sharing and over-excited kids feeding off each other.

Are you ready to shift out of Battle Mode and create the peaceful bedtime routines you always wanted?

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